Monday, 5 August 2013

Customn DropDown Spinner in Android

Hello everyone!

Here’s another cool Android tutorial that talks about creating your own DropDown Spinner widget in Android. From the Android developers page, a Spinner is a view that displays one child at a time and lets the user pick among them.Our Default Spinner provide Drop Down above 4.0 version. In this tutorial you will create a customized Spinner like Gmail app using library project. This is also work in 4.0 below version. You can create spinner like this:

Using this Library you can set following features:


  • setItemTextColor(int color) - Set the item text font color in drop down.
  • setItemBackgroundColor(int color) - Set the item background color in drop down.
  • setItemTextSize (int size) - Set the item text size
  • setVisibleItemNo (int no) - Set the height of DropDown spinner equal to number of visible rows
  • addItem(String item) - Add the single string item in spinner
  • addItem(String item, int resId) - Add the single string item and image in spinner
  • setItems(String[] arr) - Set the string array in spinner
  • setItems(String[] arr, int[] ico) - Set the string array & image array in list. size of string array and image array required equal.
  • getSelectedPosition() - Return the position of currently selected item within the adapter's data set.
  • setSelectedPosition(int selectedPosition)- Set the currently selected item.

Listener : 



 You can set custom spinner control in xml like this:

            android:text="" />
You can set property like this:

private DropdownSpinner spinner1  = (DropdownSpinner) findViewById(; 

private String[] strings = { "Inter Milan", "AC Mila", "Manchesterb",
            "Barcelona", "Valencia", "Juventus" }; 




spinner1.addItem("", R.drawable.ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light);  

spinner1.addItem("Test4", -1); 



spinner1.setItemPadding(18, 15, 18, 15); 



spinner1.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()  { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView paramAdapterView,  View paramView, int paramInt, long paramLong) 
{ // TODO Auto-generated method stub

 clickItem = "Center: Click item:" + paramInt; txtClick.setText(clickItem); 


 You can download source code from here.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Google Plus Integration in Android

Before you can start integrating Google+ features in your own app, you must create a Google APIs Console project and initialize the PlusClient within your app.

The Google+ platform for Android has the following requirements:
  • A physical device to use for developing and testing because Google Play services cannot be installed on an emulator.
  • The latest version of the Android SDK, including the SDK Tools component. The SDK is available from the Android SDK Manager.
  • Your project to compile against Android 2.2 (Froyo) or higher.
  • Eclipse configured to use Java 1.6
  • The Google Play services SDK:
    1. Launch Eclipse and select Window > Android SDK Manager or run android from the command line.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the package list and select Extras > Google Play services. The package is downloaded to your computer and installed in your SDK environment at <android-sdk-folder>/extras/google/google_play_services.

Step 1: Enable the Google+ API

To authenticate and communicate with the Google+ APIs, you must first register your digitally signed .apk file's public certificate in the Google APIs Console:

Step 2: Add Google play service library project in your project

Location of library project is here... <android-sdk-folder>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject

Step 3: How do I check to see if the Google+ app is installed on the device?

int errorCode = GooglePlusUtil.checkGooglePlusApp(this);

if (errorCode != GooglePlusUtil.SUCCESS) {

GooglePlusUtil.getErrorDialog(errorCode, this, 0).show();


Step 4: Initialize the PlusClient

The PlusClient object is used to communicate with the Google+ service and becomes functional after an asynchronous connection has been established with the service. Because the client makes a connection to a service, you want to make sure the PlusClient.disconnect method is called when appropriate to ensure robustness.

Your activity will listen for when the connection has established or failed by implementing the ConnectionCallbacks and OnConnectionFailedListener interfaces.

You have to create PlusClient object in Activity's onCreate() method.

mPlusClient = new PlusClient(this, this, this, Scopes.PLUS_PROFILE);

You can handle google plus sign in & sign out in your app like this.

if (v.getId() == {

            if (!mPlusClient.isConnected()
                    && btnSignIn.getText().equals(
                            getString(R.string.btn_signin))) {


            } else if (mPlusClient.isConnected()
                    && btnSignIn.getText().equals(
                            getString(R.string.btn_signout))) {


When the PlusClient object is unable to establish a connection, your implementation has an opportunity to recover inside your implementation of onConnectionFailed, where you are passed a connection status that can be used to resolve any connection failures.
    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (result.hasResolution()) {
            // The user clicked the sign-in button already. Start to resolve
            // connection errors. Wait until onConnected() to dismiss the
            // connection dialog.
            try {
                result.startResolutionForResult(this, REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR);
            } catch (SendIntentException e) {

    public void onConnected() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String accountName = mPlusClient.getAccountName();
        Toast.makeText(this, accountName + " is connected.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)


Because the resolution for the connection failure was started with startActivityForResult and the code REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR, we can capture the result inside Activity.onActivityResult. 

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode,
            Intent data) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, data);
        if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR
                && responseCode == RESULT_OK) {




Sharing to Google+ from your Android app

The Share dialog provides a means for users to share rich content from your app into the Google+ stream, including text, photos, URL attachments and location. In addition, your app can use two advanced sharing options: interactive posts and deep linking.

you can share on google plus like this

if (v.getId() == {

            if (mPlusClient.isConnected()) {
                Intent shareIntent = PlusShare.Builder
                                "Check out:")
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(this, "Please Sign-in with google Account", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)


 Getting people and profile information

After you have signed in a user with Google, you can access the user's age range, language, public profile information, and people that they have circled.

Please find attached demo for Google plus integration.

Demo Example:

You can download source code from here. Source Code Download




Thursday, 10 January 2013


          Google Play currently requires that your APK file be no more than 50MB. For most applications, this is plenty of space for all the application's code and assets. However, some apps need more space for high-fidelity graphics, media files, or other large assets. Previously, if your app exceeded 50MB, you had to host and download the additional resources yourself when the user opens the app. Hosting and serving the extra files can be costly, and the user experience is often less than ideal. To make this process easier for you and more pleasant for users, Google Play allows you to attach two large expansion files that supplement your APK.

         Google Play hosts the expansion files for your application and serves them to the device at no cost to you. The expansion files are saved to the device's shared storage location (the SD card or USB-mountable partition; also known as the "external" storage) where your app can access them. On most devices, Google Play downloads the expansion file(s) at the same time it downloads the APK, so your application has everything it needs when the user opens it for the first time. In some cases, however, your application must download the files from Google Play when your application starts.


Each time you upload an APK using the Google Play Android Developer Console, you have the option to add one or two expansion files to the APK. Each file can be up to 2GB and it can be any format you choose, but we recommend you use a compressed file to conserve bandwidth during the download. Conceptually, each expansion file plays a different role:
  • The main expansion file is the primary expansion file for additional resources required by your application.
  • The patch expansion file is optional and intended for small updates to the main expansion file.

Please  see below screen for how apk expansion work. 

File name format

Each expansion file you upload can be any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.).

There are three components to this scheme:
 main or patch
Specifies whether the file is the main or patch expansion file. There can be only one main file and one patch file for each APK.

This is an integer that matches the version code of the APK with which the expansion is first associated.
Developer Console allows you to re-use an uploaded expansion file with a new APK,

Your application's Java-style package name.

For example, suppose your APK version is 314159 and your package name is If you upload a main expansion file, the file is renamed to:

Ex. name used in my project.

Storage location

When Google Play downloads your expansion files to a device, it saves them to the system's shared storage location. To ensure proper behavior, you must not delete, move, or rename the expansion files. In the event that your application must perform the download from Google Play itself, you must save the files to the exact same location.

The specific location for your expansion files is:


<shared-storage> is the path to the shared storage space, available from getExternalStorageDirectory().

<package-name> is your application's Java-style package name, available from getPackageName().

Ex: sdcard/Android/obb/packagename/main.1.packagename.obb

If you must unpack the contents of your expansion files, do not delete the .obb expansion files afterwards and do not save the unpacked data in the same directory
For example, we've provided a library project called the APK Expansion Zip Library that reads your data directly from the ZIP file.

Note: Unlike APK files, any files saved on the shared storage can be read by the user and other applications.

Download process

Most of the time, Google Play downloads and saves your expansion files at the same time it downloads the APK to the device. However, in some cases Google Play cannot download the expansion files or the user might have deleted previously downloaded expansion files. To handle these situations, your app must be able to download the files itself when the main activity starts, using a URL provided by Google Play.

The download process from a high level looks like this:
  1. User selects to install your app from Google Play.
  2. If Google Play is able to download the expansion files (which is the case for most devices), it downloads them along with the APK.
    If Google Play is unable to download the expansion files, it downloads the APK only.
  3. When the user launches your application, your app must check whether the expansion files are already saved on the device.
    1. If yes, your app is ready to go.
    2. If no, your app must download the expansion files over HTTP from Google Play. Your app must send a request to the Google Play client using the Google Play's Application Licensing service, which responds with the name, file size, and URL for each expansion file. With this information, you then download the files and save them to the proper storage location.
Caution: It is critical that you include the necessary code to download the expansion files from Google Play in the event that the files are not already on the device when your application starts. As discussed in the following section about Downloading the Expansion Files, we've made a library available to you that greatly simplifies this process and performs the download from a service with a minimal amount of code from you.

Use  Download Library to implement your download behavior. Its Very Easy to use & Implement Downloading behavior using Download Library. you can also take reference from Sample Demo App.

Downloading the Expansion files

In most cases, Google Play downloads and saves your expansion files to the device at the same time it installs or updates the APK. This way, the expansion files are available when your application launches for the first time. However, in some cases your app must download the expansion files itself by requesting them from a URL provided to you in a response from Google Play's Application Licensing service.

The basic logic you need to download your expansion files is the following:

1. When your application starts, look for the expansion files on the shared storage location (in the Android/obb/<package-name>/ directory).

a. If the expansion files are there, you're all set and your application can continue.

b. If the expansion files are not there:

1.) Perform a request using Google Play's Application Licensing to get your app's expansion file names, sizes, and URLs.

2.) Use the URLs provided by Google Play to download the expansion files and save the expansion files. You must save the files to the shared storage location (Android/obb/<package-name>/) and use the exact file name provided by Google Play's response.

The URL that Google Play provides for your expansion files is unique for every download and each one expires shortly after it is given to your application.

Note: Whether your application is free or not, Google Play returns the expansion file URLs only if the user acquired your application from Google Play.

Sample Demo App: 

You can Download Sample App from SDK Manager. And Take Reference from it.
You have to download below Library from SDK Manager in Eclipse.

Google Play Licensing Library

Google Play APK Expansion Library

Download from SDK Manager

You have to add total three Library in your Project for APK Expansion

1) APK Expansion Zip Library (SDK/extras/google/play_apk_expansion/zip_file)
2) Application Licensing (SDK/extras/google/market_licensing)
3) Downloader Library (SDK/extras/google/play_apk_expansion/downloader_library)

APK Expansion Zip Library 
This is an optional library that helps you read your expansion files when they're saved as ZIP files. Using this library allows you to easily read resources from your ZIP expansion files as a virtual file system.

Downloader Library
To use APK expansion files with your application and provide the best user experience with minimal effort on your behalf, we recommend you use the Downloader Library that's included in the Google Play APK Expansion Library package. This library downloads your expansion files in a background service, shows a user notification with the download status, handles network connectivity loss, resumes the download when possible, and more.

Application Licensing
If the files are not on the device, use Google Play's Application Licensing service to request URLs for the expansion files, then download and save them. 

Downloaded Sample Demo Available at below paths in your system.

ex. /Android SDK / extras/ google / play_apk_expansion/

 Declaring user permissions







Note:  By default, the Downloader Library requires API level 4, but the APK Expansion Zip Library requires API level 5. 

Implementing the downloader service

In order to perform downloads in the background, the Downloader Library provides its own Service subclass called DownloaderService that you should extend. In addition to downloading the expansion files for you, the DownloaderService also:

All you need to do is create a class in your application that extends the DownloaderService class and override three methods to provide specific application details:

This must return a string that is the Base64-encoded RSA public key for your publisher account, available from the profile page on the Developer Console (see Setting Up for Licensing).

This must return an array of random bytes that the licensing Policy uses to create an Obfuscator. The salt ensures that your obfuscated SharedPreferences file in which your licensing data is saved will be unique and non-discoverable.

This must return the class name of the BroadcastReceiver in your application that should receive the alarm indicating that the download should be restarted (which might happen if the downloader service unexpectedly stops).

For example, here's a complete implementation of DownloaderService:

public class SampleDownloaderService extends DownloaderService {
    // You must use the public key belonging to your publisher account

    public static final String BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY = "YourLVLKey";
    // You should also modify this salt
    public static final byte[] SALT = new byte[] { 1, 42, -12, -1, 54, 98,
            -100, -12, 43, 2, -8, -4, 9, 5, -106, -107, -33, 45, -1, 84

    public String getPublicKey() {
        return BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY;

    public byte[] getSALT() {
        return SALT;

    public String getAlarmReceiverClassName() {
        return SampleAlarmReceiver.class.getName();

Notice: You must update the BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY value to be the public key belonging to your publisher account. You can find the key in the Developer Console under your profile information. This is necessary even when testing your downloads.

Remember to declare the service in your manifest file:


Note: You have to add your BASE64 public key in  SampleDownloaderService in your app.
This key you can get when you create app in Google Market. 

Implementing the alarm receiver

In order to monitor the progress of the file downloads and restart the download if necessary, the DownloaderService schedules an RTC_WAKEUP alarm that delivers an Intent to a BroadcastReceiver in your application. You must define the BroadcastReceiver to call an API from the Downloader Library that checks the status of the download and restarts it if necessary.

You simply need to override the onReceive() method to call DownloaderClientMarshaller.startDownloadServiceIfRequired().

For example:

public class SampleAlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        try {
            DownloaderClientMarshaller.startDownloadServiceIfRequired(context, intent,
        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Notice that this is the class for which you must return the name in your
 service's getAlarmReceiverClassName() method (see the previous 
Remember to declare the receiver in your manifest file:



Activity for Expansion Handling

public class VideoDownloaderActivity extends Activity implements
        IDownloaderClient {

     * Here is where you place the data that the validator will use to determine
     * if the file was delivered correctly. This is encoded in the source code
     * so the application can easily determine whether the file has been
     * properly delivered without having to talk to the server. If the
     * application is using LVL for licensing, it may make sense to eliminate
     * these checks and to just rely on the server.
    private static final XAPKFile[] xAPKS = { new XAPKFile(true, // true
                                                                    // signifies
                                                                    // a main
                                                                    // file
            1, // the version of the APK that the file was uploaded
                // against
            191696333L // the length of the file in bytes

 private class CopyTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> {

        private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;
        private Context context;

        public CopyTask(Context context) {
            this.context = context;


         * Display the dialog first when the webservice call.
        protected void onPreExecute() {

            if (context != null) {
                mProgressDialog =, "",
                        context.getString(R.string.copy_video_message), true,



         * Call the webservice and parse the data from the service in
         * background.
        protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {

            // return wsLinks.executeService(currentPage);
            for (XAPKFile xf : xAPKS) {

                String fileName = Helpers.getExpansionAPKFileName(
                        VideoDownloaderActivity.this, xf.mIsMain,

                if (!Helpers.doesFileExist(VideoDownloaderActivity.this,
                        fileName, xf.mFileSize, false))
                    return true;
                fileName = Helpers.generateSaveFileName(
                        VideoDownloaderActivity.this, fileName);
                ZipResourceFile zrf;

                try {

                    zrf = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile(
                            VideoDownloaderActivity.this, 1, 0);

                    File path = new File(
                                    + File.separator
                                    + getString(R.string.app_name));
                    if (!path.exists()) {
                        // create a File object for the
                        // parent directory
                        File photoDirectory = new File(
                        // have the object build the
                        // directory structure, if needed.
                    } else {
                        if (path.isDirectory()) {
                            String[] children = path.list();
                            Log.v(LOG_TAG, "file length:" + children.length);
                            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                                new File(path, children[i]).delete();


                    for (ZipEntryRO entry : zrf.getAllEntries()) {
                        Log.v(LOG_TAG, "name:" + entry.mFileName);
                        DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(
                        // AssetFileDescriptor af =
                        // zrf.getAssetFileDescriptor(entry.mFileName);
                        long length = entry.mCompressedLength;
                        byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 256];
                        Log.v("assetfilediscripter", "" + length);
                        // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("");

                        // OutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new
                        // FileOutputStream("/storage/sdcard0/Download/sample.mp3"));

                        String[] bits = entry.mFileName.split("/");
                        String lastOne = bits[bits.length-1];

                        Log.v(LOG_TAG, "path:" + path + ":"+ lastOne);

                        OutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(
                                new FileOutputStream(path + "/" 
                                        + lastOne));
                        int bufferSize = 1024;
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                        int len = 0;
                        while ((len = != -1) {
                            stream.write(buffer, 0, len);
                        if (stream != null)

                        // break;

                    return true;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    return false;


            return true;


         * onPostExecute method after called webService and Set the data into
         * adapter after background task is complete. this method set footerView
         * into listView according to totalPAge.
        protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
            if (mProgressDialog != null  && mProgressDialog.isShowing()) {

            if (result) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(VideoDownloaderActivity.this,
            } else {
                errorDialog(context, context.getString(R.string.copy_failed));



Testing Your Expansion Files

Before publishing your application, there are two things you should test: Reading the expansion files and downloading the files.

Testing file reads

Before you upload your application to Google Play, you should test your application's ability to read the files from the shared storage. All you need to do is add the files to the appropriate location on the device shared storage and launch your application:

1.) On your device, create the appropriate directory on the shared storage where Google Play will save your files.

For example, if your package name is, you need to create the directory Android/obb/ on the shared storage space. (Plug in your test device to your computer to mount the shared storage and manually create this directory.)

2.) Manually add the expansion files to that directory. Be sure that you rename your files to match the file name format that Google Play will use.

For example, regardless of the file type, the main expansion file for the application should be The version code can be whatever value you want. Just remember:
  • The main expansion file always starts with main and the patch file starts with patch.
  • The package name always matches that of the APK to which the file is attached on Google Play.
3.) Now that the expansion file(s) are on the device, you can install and run your application to test your expansion file(s).

Here are some reminders about handling the expansion files:
  • Do not delete or rename the .obb expansion files (even if you unpack the data to a different location). Doing so will cause Google Play (or your app itself) to repeatedly download the expansion file.
  • Do not save other data into your obb/ directory. If you must unpack some data, save it into the location specified by getExternalFilesDir().
Testing file download

Because your application must sometimes manually download the expansion files when it first opens, it's important that you test this process to be sure your application can successfully query for the URLs, download the files, and save them to the device.

To test your application's implementation of the manual download procedure, you must upload your application to Google Play as a "draft" to make your expansion files available for download:

1.) Upload your APK and corresponding expansion files using the Google Play Developer Console

2.) Fill in the necessary application details (title, screenshots, etc.). You can come back and finalize these details before publishing your application.

Click the Save button. Do not click Publish. This saves the application as a draft, such that your application is not published for Google Play users, but the expansion files are available for you to test the download process.

3.) Install the application on your test device using the Eclipse tools or adb.

4.) Launch the app.

If everything works as expected, your application should begin downloading the expansion files as soon as the main activity starts.


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

This tutorial shows overview of NDK & how to setup Eclipse for using C/C++ together with Java in Android projects.

How NDK comes into Picture?

Portability among hardware and adaptability to the constrained resources of mobile devices: this is the real essence of the mobile challenge from a technical perspective. With Android, ones has to deal with multiple screen resolutions, various CPU and GPU speed or capabilities, memory limitations, and so on, which are not topics specific to this Linux-based system.

To ease portability, Google engineers packaged a virtual machine with a complete framework (the Android SDK) to run programs written in one of the most spread programming language nowadays: Java.

Java, augmented with the Android framework, is really powerful. But first,
Java is specific to Android. Apple's products are written for example in Objective C and can be combined with C and C++. 

And second, a Java virtual machine does not always give you enough capability to exploit the full power of mobile devices, even with just-in-time compilation
enabled. Resources are limited on these devices and have to be carefully exploited to offer the best experience. This is where the Android Native Development Kit comes into place.

When to Use NDK

However, we’d like to take a moment to talk about why the NDK is important, when it should be used.

Generally speaking, you only need to use the NDK if your application is truly processor bound. That is, you have algorithms that are using all of the processor within the DalvikVM and would benefit from running natively. Also, a JIT compiler will improve the performance of such code as well.

Another reason to use the NDK is for ease of porting. If you’ve got loads of C code for your existing application, using the NDK could speed up your project’s development process.

You need to have Google ADT (Android Development Tools) installed. See how to do it.

You also need Android ndk. Download it from and unpack it somewhere.

1) Install CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) into Eclipse.

Choose Help->Install New Software… from the main menu.

Choose as the source site. If you have another Eclipse release than Galileo choose the appropriate url.

  Click Next, Accept licences and finish the installation process.

2) In file manager create jni/ directory in your project directory and place your C/C++ sources file here. Also put here file which is a makefile that tells Android build-system how to build your files.

Take a look into Android ndk docs/ANDROID-MK.html file how to create one.
Simple example of file:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)  
include $(CLEAR_VARS) 
LOCAL_MODULE := com_anky_ndk 
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := com_anky_ndk_test.c

3)  Refresh (F5) directories in Package Explorer to see jni directory here. Open your .c/.cpp file.

Your .c/.cpp file (native.c in my case) contains a lot of syntax errors which are not truly syntax errors. This is because Eclipse threats the project as a pure Java project. We have to convert the project into mixed Java & C/C++ project.

4) Press Ctrl+n  (or choose File->New->Other… from main menu) and select Convert to a C/C++ Project.

This will convert your project into a mixed Java & C/C++ project rather than into pure C/C++ project (the name of the function is misleading).

Click Next. Then choose your project and below choose Makefile project and – Other Toolchain –. Click Finish.

After doing this Eclipse will ask you if you want to switch to C/C++ perspective. Choose Yes because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to set C/C++ build preferences.

5) Click on your project with right button and select Properties or press Alt+Enter

Properties windows will appear. Here you have to configure use of ndk-build instead of make all command and set proper include paths.

6) Choose C/C++ Build and configure ndk-build as a build command
In Builder settings fill ndk-build into Build command entry. You have to uncheck Use default build command. You also need to have ndk-build script in your PATH.

In Behaviour setting uncheck clean (ndk-build cleans project automatically on build and does not support separate clean command) and clear all text from build (ndk-build does not accept all as a parameter.

Click Apply to save settings.

7) Choose C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols and configure include path

In Includes tab choose GNU C or GNU C++ and click Add… button. Add path to include directory which is located in platforms/android-4/arch/arm/usr/include subdirectory of place where you’ve unpacked Android ndk. Include path depends on target for which you are compiling (android-4 in my case — i.e. Android 1.6).

Finally click Apply and OK and that is all. Now you can use all Eclipse power for editing your C/C++ sources. If you click Run or Debug Eclipse will compile C/C++ code as well as Java code and run it on device/emulator. However you will not be able to debug C/C++ code.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Measure Performance Time Using NDK.

Difference between Performance time in NDK in JAVA through One Application.

Create MathLib class and put below code.

package com.anky.mathsndk;

import android.util.Log;

public class MathLib {
private static final String TAG = "Math_lib";

private static long fib(long n) {
return n <= 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

// Recursive Java implementation of the Fibonacci algorithm
// (included for comparison only)
public static long fibJR(long n) {
Log.d(TAG, "fibJR(" + n + ")");
return fib(n);

// Function prototype for future native recursive implementation
// of the Fibonacci algorithm
public native static long fibNR(long n);

// Iterative Java implementation of the Fibonacci algorithm
// (included for comparison only)
public static long fibJI(long n) {
Log.d(TAG, "fibJI(" + n + ")");
long previous = -1;
long result = 1;
for (long i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
long sum = result + previous;
previous = result;
result = sum;
return result;

public static long factorialJ(long n) {

long fact = 1;
Log.e(TAG, "" + "Factorial of " + n + ":");
// System.out.println("Factorial of " + n + ":");
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
fact = fact * i;
return fact;


// Function prototype for future iterative recursive implementation
// of the Fibonacci algorithm
public native static long fibNI(long n);

public native static long factorialN(long n);

static {
// as defined by LOCAL_MODULE in

Create MainActivity and Put below code.

package com.anky.mathsndk;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.RadioGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {

private EditText input;

private RadioGroup type;

private TextView output;

private Context context;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.input = (EditText) super.findViewById(;
this.type = (RadioGroup) super.findViewById(;
this.output = (TextView) super.findViewById(;
Button button = (Button) super.findViewById(;

context = MainActivity.this;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;

public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String s = this.input.getText().toString();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s)) {
final ProgressDialog dialog =, "",
"Calculating...", true);
final long n = Long.parseLong(s);
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() {

protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
long result = 0;
long t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
switch (MainActivity.this.type.getCheckedRadioButtonId()) {
result = MathLib.fibJR(n);
result = MathLib.fibJI(n);
result = MathLib.fibNR(n);
result = MathLib.fibNI(n);
result = MathLib.factorialJ(n);
result = MathLib.factorialN(n);
t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - t;
return String.format("(%d)=%d in %d ms", n, result, t);

protected void onPostExecute(String result) {



Create jni directory project and Create file in jni and Put this code.

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)


LOCAL_MODULE := com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib.c


Generate header file using External Tools or Terminal com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib.h

/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib */

#ifndef _Included_com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib
#define _Included_com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * Class:     com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib
 * Method:    fibNR
 * Signature: (J)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_fibNR
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);

 * Class:     com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib
 * Method:    fibNI
 * Signature: (J)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_fibNI
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);

 * Class:     com_indianic_mathsndk_MathLib
 * Method:    factorialN
 * Signature: (J)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_factorialN
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);

#ifdef __cplusplus

Create com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib.c file and put this code.

#include "com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib.h"
#include <android/log.h>

static jlong fib(jlong n) {
return n <= 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_fibNR(JNIEnv* env,
jclass clazz, jlong n) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "FibLib.c", "fibNR(%lld)", n);
return fib(n);


JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_fibNI(JNIEnv *env,
jclass clazz, jlong n) {

jlong previous = -1;
jlong result = 1;
jlong i;
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "FibLib.c", "fibNI(%lld)", n);
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
jlong sum = result + previous;
previous = result;
result = sum;
return result;

JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_anky_mathsndk_MathLib_factorialN(
JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong n) {
jlong fact = 1;
jlong i;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
fact = fact * i;
return fact;


Compile the project using NDKBuild and Run the project.

You have to notice the difference between JAVA and NDK.

Execution time for factorial and Fibonaci series of number in NDK is faster than JAVA.