This blog useful when we have to update status on user's fan page/friend page instead of user's wall using Facebook sdk.
This kind of functionality implemented in Instagram.
After a lots of search I have find some useful things which is useful to me.
I would like to share this thing with you. This might be useful to u also.
Parameter list Used in Request:
We have to pass bundle in parameter so bundle created for parameter.
This method retrieve page list created by login user. manage_page permission required to fetch user's page list.
Check user has authorize permission or not.
If user has not authorize permission. we have to authorize user for manage_page permission. We can use below method to ask for permission from user.
We require page token which is we got from page list data. we get this token from page related data. This token used for publish status on user's page. Page id required on which we want to post data.
Some time we need to post on user's fan page using feed dialog. for that we can use below method.
You can get basic idea how we can integrate.
Screen with FanPage list.
Please share in comment if you are facing any problem.
This kind of functionality implemented in Instagram.
After a lots of search I have find some useful things which is useful to me.
I would like to share this thing with you. This might be useful to u also.
Parameter list Used in Request:
- name
- caption
- description
- picture
- link
- to
- message
We have to pass bundle in parameter so bundle created for parameter.
Bundle requestParams =new Bundle (); requestParams.putString( "picture", filePath); requestParams.putString("name", TheApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.app_name)); requestParams.putString("link", "http://url");Permission:
<string-array name="fb_advance_permissions">
1.) Retrieve login user's page listThis method retrieve page list created by login user. manage_page permission required to fetch user's page list.
/** * retrieve facebook user page list and ask for permission * * @param pageListener * - call success, error */ public static void getUserPageList( final IFacebookCommonListener<String> pageListener) { Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); sFBRedirectionState = FbRedirectionState.GET_PAGE_LIST; getPagesCallback = pageListener; if (getPagesCallback == null) { return; } if (session != null) { // if (!session.isOpened()) { // openSession(); // } if (!session.isOpened()) { Logs.d(DEBUG_FACEBOOK_PUBLISH, "Page error: !session.isOpened()"); closeSession(); openSession(); return; } if (!canRetrievePages() && !isPagePermissionCalled) { getPagesPermissions(mStatusCallback); isPagePermissionCalled = true; return; } if (!canRetrievePages() && isPagePermissionCalled) { if (pageListener != null) { pageListener.onError("Facebook can't retrieve pages"); } session.removeCallback(statusCallback); sFBRedirectionState = FbRedirectionState.NONE; isPagePermissionCalled = false; return; } try { /* make the API call */ Request request = new Request(session, "/me/accounts", null, HttpMethod.GET, new Request.Callback() { public void onCompleted(Response response) { /* handle the result */ Logs.e(TAG, "Response:" + response); if (response.getError() == null) { Logs.d("Pages", "Page success" + response.getRawResponse()); if (pageListener != null) { pageListener.onSuccess(response .getRawResponse()); } } else { Logs.d("Pages", "Page error: " + response.getError() .getErrorMessage()); if (pageListener != null) { pageListener .onError("Facebook can't retrieve pages"); } } } }); Bundle requestParams = request.getParameters(); requestParams.putString("access_token", session.getAccessToken()); request.setParameters(requestParams); request.executeAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception if (pageListener != null) pageListener.onError("Facebook can't retrieve pages"); } sFBRedirectionState = FbRedirectionState.NONE; getPagesCallback = null; isPagePermissionCalled = false; } else { startLogin(); } }2.) This method check for permission.
Check user has authorize permission or not.
/** * check for user's has taken manage_pages permission * * @return */ private static boolean canRetrievePages() { Session session = FacebookHelper.getSession(); if (session != null) { try { if (!session.isOpened()) { openSession(); } else { List<String> grantedPermissions = session.getPermissions(); String[] publishPermissions = mActivity.getResources() .getStringArray(R.array.fb_advance_permissions); return grantedPermissions.containsAll(Arrays .asList(publishPermissions)); } } catch (FacebookException e) { Logs.d(TAG, e); } catch (Exception e) { Logs.d(TAG, e); } } return false; }3.) Ask user for permission
If user has not authorize permission. we have to authorize user for manage_page permission. We can use below method to ask for permission from user.
/** * ask user for page permission. * * @param callback */ public static synchronized void getPagesPermissions(StatusCallback callback) { Session session = FacebookHelper.getSession(); if (session != null) { try { if (!session.isOpened()) { openSession(); } List<String> grantedPermissions = session.getPermissions(); List<String> neededPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] publishPermissions = mActivity.getResources() .getStringArray(R.array.fb_advance_permissions); for (String p : publishPermissions) { if (!grantedPermissions.contains(p)) { neededPermissions.add(p); } } if (!neededPermissions.isEmpty()) { if (callback != null) { session.removeCallback(callback); session.addCallback(callback); } Session.NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest = new Session.NewPermissionsRequest( mActivity, neededPermissions); session.requestNewPublishPermissions(newPermissionsRequest); } } catch (FacebookException e) { Logs.e(TAG, e); } catch (Exception e) { Logs.e(TAG, e); } } }4.) Post on Fan page in background.
We require page token which is we got from page list data. we get this token from page related data. This token used for publish status on user's page. Page id required on which we want to post data.
/** * This method publish status on fan page * @param requestParams - requested param * @param uploadListener - for success, failure callback */ public static void postOnFanPage(Bundle requestParams, final IFacebookCommonListener<Void> uploadListener) { requestParams.putString("access_token", Preferences.getFaceBookPageToken()); Request request = new Request(Session.getActiveSession(), Preferences.getFacebookPageId() + "/feed", requestParams, HttpMethod.POST, new Request.Callback() { public void onCompleted(Response response) { /* handle the result */ if (response != null) { Logs.d(TAG, "Page: publish reponse:" + response.toString()); FacebookRequestError error = response.getError(); if (error != null) { Logs.d(TAG, "Page: publish Errror:" + error.getErrorMessage()); if (uploadListener != null) { uploadListener .onError("Facebook can't publish your content"); } } else { if (uploadListener != null) { uploadListener.onSuccess(null); } } } } }); requestParams.remove("message"); request.setParameters(requestParams); request.executeAsync(); }5.) Post on Fan page using feed dialog.
Some time we need to post on user's fan page using feed dialog. for that we can use below method.
requestParams.putString("access_token", Preferences.getFaceBookPageToken()); private static void publishPageFeedDialog(Bundle params) { WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(mActivity, Session.getActiveSession(), params)).setOnCompleteListener( new WebDialog.OnCompleteListener() { @Override public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) { if (error != null) { if (!(error instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException)) { mActivity.informUser(mActivity .getString(R.string.bback_shared_facebook_failed)); } Logs.e("FACEBOOK_ANDROID", "error", error); } else if (values != null && values.containsKey("post_id")) { mActivity.informUser(mActivity .getString(R.string.bback_shared_facebook_success)); } } }).setFrom(String.valueOf(Preferences.getFacebookPageId())).build();; }I have put method here from project. So might be some reference class or not there.
You can get basic idea how we can integrate.
Screen with FanPage list.
Please share in comment if you are facing any problem.
Publish status on user's fan page/friend page using Facebook SDK